How to Find a Niche -Part 3

You may now be asking, "How do I find a niche market?" Let's look at a method you can use to help you drill down to a possible winner for your niche market.

Which Niche?

Niche picking can be a fun but frustrating process. The main concern will be which niche you can potentially make a profit from.

You may decide you want to focus on 'nose rings for pit bulls' but if no one (or very few) people are searching for that sort of thing, your income will be very limited. You may, eventually, decide to do a site that's pure passion regardless of the income - that's great! Your site, over time, might just become an authority on that topic with the added bonus of bringing in an income as well. So, if at some point, you have a burning desire to pursue a certain topic, regardless of popularity, by all means go ahead. For right now though, we are focusing on a marketing niche that can generate a WAHM some cash.

Find a Niche

1).The first thing you want do is write down at least 5 things (10 would be even better) that you feel excited about, passionate about, or are very interested in.

2). Next, of those five to ten ideas, which ones have a problem associated with them? For example, if you are very interested in gardening, what are some of the concerns and problems that gardeners face? I'm not a gardener, but I can imagine a gardener might have: weather concerns, pest control worries, soil problems,
time constraints, etc. Try and list at least a couple of problems/concerns for each of the 5 or 10 topics from your original category. If you can't think of one for a particular category, then that topic will automatically be excluded from your list of options - cross it out.....

Stay tuned - more to follow!

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