Niche Finding - Part 4

O.K., let's begin narrowing down our list of 5-10 topics we are considering.

We'll stick with gardening as one of our interests. We've made a small list of concerns that a gardener may have.

Let's imagine we have written down one of the problems that gardeners have is how to prune.

We want to see if anyone is searching on the term 'how to prune'.

Google has made it easy for us to find this information. You will want to go to

This will open a window where you will see a box that says Word or Phrase(one per line)

(If you already have an Adwords account, just use that. Otherwise, you can use the link I've given. You'll have to type in a 'captcha' code and then hit 'enter'.)

. It is in this box that you want to type your phrase, "how to prune".

As you can see from the screen shot, this phrase has low competition and high search volume - a global monthly search of over 1,800,000. That's great! Or is it? Let's do a search on that phrase, in quotes, to see how many competing sites this 'low competition' phrase generates.

Over 4,600,000! Can you get on the first page with that many competing websites? Possibly. But let's see if we can find any easier fish to catch. We want to find a more specific phrase.

Stay tuned! More to come....

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